The holidays can be a difficult time for those staying with us, so we aim to bring a bit of seasonal cheer to our residents. These gifts will provide the men and women in The Healing Place and the Shelter with meaningful holiday surprises.

Our holiday wish list for donations is here. Please enter your name and the quantity by the items you would like to contribute so we can ensure proper availability of each size and type. Thank you for making the holidays happier for our program participants!

Please bring items or have them delivered to the CARITAS Center (2220 Stockton Street, 23224) between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. M-F between December 2nd and December 16th. 

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Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
First Name *
Last Name *
Mobile Phone *
If you are affiliated with a faith community, which one?
Required for participants under 18: Guardian Name
Required for participants under 18: Guardian Signature